Online advertising platforms

As a small business owner, if you think you are wasting money on advertising without getting any results, you can use Online advertising platforms. There are countless ways to use online advertising and Google ads, which should be chosen based on the best fit with your business goals.

Although print ads, mail ads, TV and radio mass media ads are still important for many industries and businesses, they are often a waste of time and money. With increasing advertisements in various media, the attention of the audience will be less.

Online advertising is one of the areas of marketing that is currently receiving a lot of attention and has a growing trend. Online advertising helps businesses find new customers and increase their revenue.

If you have never used online advertising or you have not been looking for new ways of effective advertising, you can transform your business marketing with Online advertising platforms that we will introduce below. First of all, optimizing your website is necessary to get a high rank in the search engine results, but this method requires your time and patience. Our recommendation is spending your advertising budget on online advertising while you improve your website’s SEO.

Online advertising platforms; Google Ads

Google Ads is called the grandfather of online advertising! Since Google search engine owns the market share of search engines in the network, it is obvious that its advertising platform Google Ads will become the largest PPC click advertising marketing platform. Google Ads allows you to create text, image or video based ads so that people who search for specific keywords (that you have included in your website’s SEO) will reach your website.

Online advertising platforms; Bing

Bing is the second most popular Online advertising platform in the world and a strong competitor to Google. About twenty percent of all searches in the world are done with Bing. Similar to Google Ads, Microsoft uses the Bing search engine to serve ads in its search engine results as well as other networks. Bing Ads has improved its advertising network in recent years and made significant progress in making it easier to run specific campaigns. Bing Ads offers you free ad credit but it’s hard to get the most out of it.

Bing search engine has a much smaller audience than Google, so bids for keywords are cheaper. With Bing Ads, you can save more on your marketing costs.

Online advertising platforms; Facebook

Facebook advertising is a goldmine for small businesses. This advertising platform has come a long way over the years both in terms of effectiveness and ease of use.

Facebook ads work like PPC ads and you pay for people to click on them. But the interesting thing about Facebook ads is that you can add an image or video along with your text. In this case, even if people don’t click on your ad, it will still be exposed to the audience for free.


Twitter advertising is very similar to Google AdWords and provide great features to business owners. Prioritize content for advertising on Twitter. You can use a maximum of 280 characters to write a tweet, but marketing research has shown that tweets under 100 words attract the attention of the audience more. Examining the promotional tweets of successful brands shows that the brevity of these tweets has made them more creative in conveying the main message of the brand. So use your creativity to have the most impact on the audience with short advertising tweets.


With more than five hundred million active individual and business users, LinkedIn is one of the best Online advertising platforms among social networks. The presence of personal and scientific content and familiarity with different job positions have made LinkedIn popular among people.

The cost of click ads on this platform is higher than on other platforms, but you can assign your ads to specific audiences. If you have a successful campaign, you will get a great profit in your business in return for the cost you pay. To be successful in LinkedIn advertising, it must be optimized.

Advertising on LinkedIn follows the same rules as advertising on Google and advertising on Facebook. You can set its settings so that ads are displayed only to the target audience. This possibility is provided by LinkedIn’s powerful algorithms.

If you intend to advertise on the web, you can run your online advertising campaigns on the and view its results instantly and completely

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